CSS AGM 2020
Join us for our 2020 AGM where we’ll have lots of free pizza and beer, chat about some motions, and most importantly elect the new committee 😮
Do you have what it takes to rise up and take on a role? 🤔 Yes? 😍 I thought so… go on checkout down below for all the roles with their descriptions!
If you’re abroad this year or can’t attend the AGM - don’t worry! You can still nominate yourself/submit a motion. 🎉 Just record a short video of your speech or send us your speech to read out!
Be quick though as the deadline for applications is 25/3 at 7pm. If your application is late it will burn in the deepest depths of hell 😈
Want to change something about CSS? You can submit a motion here
responsible for the society overall
sets the overall direction of the society
organises meetings
manages other committee members
helps out the President with the above tasks
talks to companies and organising sponsorship
controls and tracks spending
makes big purchases/deals with invoices
ensures we're following SU rules and the law
records minutes in meetings
deals with the SU
keeps our Drive organised
keeps the CSS website updated
manages logins and useful tools
ensures we store personal data securely
Technical Events
organises the CSS event calendar
organises and runs technical events - Bris hack, CTFs, etc.
organises trips
Company Liaison
communicates with companies
helps VP with sponsorship
helps organise company lead tech talks
Sports and Social
organises CSS sport teams
organises social events (i.e. pub trips)
organises MVBall
designs graphics and posters
manages the newsletter
manages social media
represents CSS in outreach activities
organises events with and assists other societies
Equality and Wellbeing
responsible for wellbeing
ensures we are inclusive of all groups
manages the family scheme
helps out wherever needed
pizza/falafel runner
jack of all trades
The Details
17:00 - 20:00
Queens 1.69
Join the Facebook event!